The Woman’s Art Club of Cincinnati
127th Annual Juried Exhibition

From the 266 works submitted by 157 artists, juror Beth Schwier, a noted artist from Indianapolis, selected 60 works for the exhibition. Elizabeth Neal, an assistant professor at Thomas More University and Gallery Director of the campus’s Eva G. Farris Gallery, selected the 19 award winners.  Awards for this exhibition were valued at more than $6000.

Woman’s Art Club 127th Annual Juried Exhibition Program
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Exhibiting Artists & Awards listed below

Exhibiting Artists

Nancy Achberger Shallow Reflection
Jo Belmont Guacamole
Linda Bittner Morning Glow-Great Blue Heron
Carol Blum Ennui
Claudia Buchmann Summer’s Glory
Susan Carlson Samaritan
Martha O. Carmody Underneath the Peak
Clara Coleman Skydiver
Julie Warren Conn Eos
Susan Conway Cock and Doodle
Linda Crank Khyber Past
Cindy Crofoot Joy
June Daley Blossoming Peacock
Betty Dannenberg Sudden Spring
Phyllis Dattilo Triplets
Dalphna Donnelly Wildflowers Sweet as the Sun
MB Thompson Dowlin Glory Dawns
Clair Farris Yellowsprings, Ohio
Janice Gaalaas Lucky Shooter
Kristina Getter Butterfly Koi
Ann Grimaldi Cobalt and Sunflowers
Tina Gutierrez Odyssey
Susan Gutzwiller Emerging Spring II
Grace Haggard All That I Am
Heidi Hanssen The White Shirt
Gina Judy The Beauty of Worship
Margaret Kastner Serious Frivolity
Babs Keller The Geode Bowl
Diana Kilfoil Paradise Valley Sunset
Barbara Kock Swan Lake – Cincinnati Zoo
Ann Kromer After the Rain
Chris Krupinski Pomegranates and Grapes Squared

Eva Lewis Josh
Suzanne Ley Is That Bacon?
Erin Lombardi The Waiting Game
Virginia Martinez Purple Leaves
Eileen McConkey Still Holding On
Erika McCoy White Roses I
Angie Meehan First Lesson
Alaina Mercer Detail: Motherhood
Joan Miley Intuitions
Gail Morrison Kitchen Interior, Great Spruce Head Island, ME
Susan L Mueller Be Still
Jennifer Muse Crested Walnut
Monica Namyar Bonorong
Nancy Neville Stripe Pitcher
Cindy Norrick Turner Wearing The Face She Keeps By The Door
Dana Olsen Biltmore Azaleas
Barbara Pask Hubby’s Boots
Mandy Putnam Coney Island, Gone but not Forgotten
Renee Rotundo Grandma’s Antique Scissors
Betty Scarpino Counterpoint
Carol Shikany Spring Tapestry
Joanne Sloneker Crater Sky
Linda Susman Moroccan Sink
Claudia Taylor A New Morning
Elaine West Shadow Tapestry
Laurie Willcox Fall
Lynne Wirthlin Studio Window
Sienna Wright Weston


Counterpoint — Betty Scarpino
Joan Cord Award Cord Foundation — $1,500

Guacamole — Jo Belmont
Woman’s Art Club Award of Excellence Woman’s Art Club of Cincinnati — $1,000

Eos — Julie Warren Conn
Woman’s Art Club Award of Merit Woman’s Art Club of Cincinnati — $500

Pomegranates and Grapes Squared — Chris Krupinski
WACC In Memoriam Award Woman’s Art Club Member’s Donations — $475
In Honor of Members who died this past year – Kay Hartsel, Beth Mizelle, Gloria Morelli, Nancy Wisely, and our friend, Jane Washburn

Detail: Motherhood — Alaina Mercer
Art Design Consultants Award
Litsa Spanos, Art Design Consultants —1 Year Representation

Crater Sky — Joanne Sloneker
Great American Artworks Award Pastel Set — $424

Triplets — Phyllis Dattilo
Plaza Art Supplies Award Gift Certificate — $250

Cobalt and Sunflowers — Ann Grimaldi
Brush & Palette Painters + Jack Richeson & Co. Award Cash & Gift Certificate, respectively — $225

Grandma’s Antique Scissors — Renee Rotundo
Gloria Morelli Award Arnold Morelli — $200

Bonorong — Monica Namyar
Diana S. Taylor Memorial Award The Taylor Family & Woman’s Art Club Friends — $200
In honor of our past President, Foundation Director and artist who was an oil painter of still lifes and landscapes.

Glory Dawns — Mary Beth Dowlin
Gamblin Artist Color Co. / Blick Art Materials Award Gift Certificates — $195

Odyssey — Tina Gutierrez
Robin Imaging/Mohawk Gallery Award Premium Digital Capture & Proofing Services — $190

Skydiver — Clara Coleman
Jack Richeson & Co. Award Gift Certificate — $150

Morning Glow-Great Blue Heron — Linda Bittner
Ampersand Art Supply + Blick Art Materials Award Merchandise & Gift Certificate, respectively — $150

Kitchen Interior, Great Spruce Head Island, ME — Gail Morrison
Jack Richeson & Co. + Blick Art Materials Award Gift Certificates — $150

Emerging Spring II — Suzanne Gutzwiller
Paper ‘n Stuff Award CH Rentschler & Co — Business Printing valued at $150

Khyber Past — Linda Crank
Bailey & Connor’s Co. Award Mary Beth Dowlin — $100

Spring Tapestry — Carol Shikany
Fabulous Frames & Art Award Gift Certificate — $100

The White Shirt — Heidi Hanssen
Blick Art Materials Award Gift Certificate — $50