Click here to watch a step-by-step video!

DO NOT REAPPLY FOR CLUB MEMBERSHIP.  INSTEAD, Log in and select “Account” from the “Log Out” drop-down menu. Then select “Subscription” from the options at the top of the page to renew your membership. QUESTIONS? Click Here to Ask the Membership chairperson about your membership.


Monthly Meetings: On the second Saturday morning of the month from September through May, consisting of light refreshments and time to socialize before a (usually) brief business meeting which is followed by an artist demonstration or educational program.

Exhibitions: The Club sponsors three exhibitions a year.
• The All-Member Exhibition — Associate, Signature, and Honorary Members.
• The Signature Member Exhibition — Signature & Honorary Members.
• The Woman’s Art Club Annual Juried Exhibition — female artists 18 years and older who live in Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana. This year’s exhibition will be the Club’s 128th. Club Member’s entry fee is discounted.

Workshops: The Club sponsors several workshops every year which have open enrollment — Club Member fees are discounted. Click Here to view current workshop offerings.

Participation in Other Club Activities: These include Book Group, Group Art Critiques, Open and Sketch Group Studos at The Barn, as well as Spontaneous Social Activities in addition to organized ones.

Communications: Club members receive a monthly newsletter September through June as well as emails and reminders about Club events and Member exhibitions. Club members also have access to member-only resources on our website.

Helping Others: Every year The Club awards a merit-based scholarship to a graduating high-school female artist pursuing art education; sponsors a Cincinnati Art Works Summer Apprentice; and financially contributes to ongoing projects and needs of The Barn | Woman’s Art Club Cultural Center — membership dues and fees empower that.


Women who live within an area that extends 50 miles beyond Cincinnati city limits must apply for membership as Residents. Women who live outside the Cincinnati city limits plus 50-mile area may apply for Nonresident membership.

Want some help with navigating the process?
Click Here to download a HOW-TO-Document then take a moment or two to look it over, gather the information you’ll need along with that check or credit card and then . . . LETS DO IT ! All you have to do now is select the appropriate link.

Non-resident New Member Application: $30
Please click here to contact Chris Cravens

Resident New Member Application: $60
Please click here to apply for membership